Nisei WACs | conclusion

If you were asked to describe a “soldier,” what kind of image does that word conjure up in your mind?  History fails to give recognition to the Asian American women who contributed to the U.S.’s victory by taking on many different roles during World War II to assist the armed forces. Starting in 1943, Japanese […]

Nisei WACs | conclusion

3 thoughts on “Nisei WACs | conclusion

    1. As always thank you for covering it for all of us. My second grade teacher was a WAC and even though I was young I still remember how she explained it to us and how cool I thought it was because in the mid 70s I only knew about “GI Joe” I thought it was awesome to hear about the female soldiers and of course your addiction of Asians that was always an interesting part for me because I lived not far from a “concentration camp” in Detroit so I heard the history and just like the African Americans that fought in WWII to love your country so much even though it doesn’t love you you still put your life on the line to fight for it that’s powerful man.

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